Monday, October 20, 2008

V ideo of the Week: Sleepless in Seattle, the Horror Movie

I've post videos in the past, and I've received lots of feedback on them, so I thought it might be fun to do it on a regular basis. Starting today, I'm going to try and post a Video of the Week every Monday.

This week's offering is a recut trailer for the movie Sleepless in Seattle. Much like the Shining recut trailer I posted a little while ago, this trailer gives a different spin on the classic romantic comedy.

Tell me what you think. Leave a comment below.


Shankar said...

Superb. It takes a twisted mind to reinterpret that movie so brilliantly. Have you posted the Mary Poppins one, yet?

Nexus-6 said...

I have. It's a fun interpretation too, very clever. Out of the two fictional movies, however, I think I'd rather see Sleepless in Seattle. There are other like this as well. "Brokeback to the Future" is a special favorite, I might post it here in the future.