Wednesday, July 16, 2008

You Can't Outrun Yourself: Studios Finally Discover That Superheroes Are More Than Cartoons

Over at I just read some rather non-news about the upcoming Flash movie in development. The non-news is this: The Flash is in development. A while ago I heard this from another movie site, which also posted a tag line for the upcoming movie: “you can’t outrun yourself.” How friggin’ sweet is that?

I’m glad that superhero movies are taking a turn for the better. Finally mass audiences (and the movie industry) are cluing into something that comic book lovers have known all along: comic books are not about the flashy costumes, big explosions, and cool gadgetry; they’re about the characters. As much as I loved the Tim Burton Batman movies. The subsequent movies quickly devolved into flashy action movies with no heart and no character progression. Carey’s Riddler and Jones’ Two Face were just second-rate reincarnations of the campy Batman TV series of the 60s (not to mention Schwarzenegger’s Mr. Freeze). Thank goodness for Christopher Nolan, who took Batman and actually made him a real person, not a caricature.

Apparently, after the success of the new Iron Man movie and the fantastic Hulk reboot, Warner Bros. is taking another look at its DC properties, namely The Flash and The Green Lantern, as well as Green Arrow and others, which may mean potential fast-tracking and better stars/directors than the lame attempt they were trying to make earlier this year with a Justice League movie, sans Superman and Batman, with a league of B, C, and D list talent. All I can say is that if the advance buzz for the The Dark Knight lives up to the hype, Warner Bros. better treat their other DC properties like the royalty.

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