Friday, August 29, 2008

Facebook:The Movie, and Other Product Placement Movies

Yes, read the headline again. It says what you think it says. Apparently, (as reported by multiple websites including /film and Yahoo Movies) Facebook: The Movie is coming. Not only that, but Alan Sorkin (Charlie Wilson’s War, Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip) is penning the script. It seems that there is nothing so popular that movie executives can’t try and make a buck off it.

Just a few months ago I heard about a deal Milton Bradley made with a major studio to develop movies based on its most popular games, like Monopoly, Life, and Boggle (seriously, Boggle? Yes, Boggle was specifically mentioned.)

Also, news comes today that Bret Ratner (Rush Hour, X-Men 3) is trying to make a Guitar Hero movie (/film). Why do people feel the need to make anything that is even remotely successful into a movie? How did the movie become the greatest measure of success in this country? You’re not important until someone has made a movie about you, your book, or your “What I Did Last Summer” essay from 5th grade.

I am at a loss. Facebook: The Movie, Guitar Hero: The Movie, Boggle: The Movie? I’m not sure I have heard of a dumber ideas since … my goodness, I’m not sure I have heard of a dumber ideas for movies.

Are you holding your breath for Sorry: The Movie? Leave a comment and let me know.


Shankar said...

Well, we've had to put up with "Jumanji" and "Super Mario Brothers", so games (board and electronic) as movies is not a new thing. And then there was "Dodgeball" and "Baseketball" (or something like that). If none of these appeal to you, like they didn't to me, do what I do: don't watch them.

Having said that, none of these is the dumbest thing to come out of Hollywood. That still is Pauly Shore.

David Gerard said...

I've done the poster.

Teri said...

I have to say, however, that Clue is a fun movie to watch. If they could do 'em like that, then...maybe. But Boggle??? Dare I say that it boggles the mind?

Shankar said...

Or, how about "Connect 4 - The Movie"? On the other hand, "Extreme Jenga" could have some possibilities.

David Gerard said...

@shankar - I think the ultimate game movie has already been made.

(Captcha "luudo")

Nexus-6 said...

@david - Pong: The Movie. With the success of Downey in Iron Man, maybe they can re-release it as a special edition DVD!